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Avancado 2.0
Avancado 2.0

Week 1 - Advanced Internet "Basics"

This week we will focus on introducing you to the basics of Internet and cPanel. You may have some familiarity with what it takes to get started online, but you must learn to become proficient in using tools and services that will help you cut costs and save time. Time is money, and we intend to help you make a lot of it by brushing up on your fundamentals.

Week 2 - Graphics Training (GIMP / Photoshop)

Who else wants to start designing their own headers, ebooks and graphics? Even if you have never used any other graphics program this video tutorial will allow you to discover all the little tricks, step-by-step. You will be amazed at your own abilities and you will be amazed at how easy it really is (once you know exactly what you are doing).


Week 3 - HTML Basics

Quite simply HTML is a must for anyone who plans to create or maintain their own website. It is also worth understanding for a wide range of applications beyond that as well. HTML is a great skill to have whether you need to learn how to create web page structure, colors, graphics, links, or embed images and videos.


Week 4 - HTML Editor Training (Kompozer / Dreamweaver)

This week you will learn how to build a site with Kompozer. Throughout the week I reveal the best techniques and methods that you can use day to day - so that you can create fantastic looking web pages, well structured content and visually exciting sites... And how to do it over and over again!


Week 5 - SEO Education 101

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is at the heart of internet marketing, and absolutely crucial to know, and yet many people don't do it! This weeks video series will help you understand how easy SEO is to apply to your websites.


Week 6 - Introduction To WordPress

WordPress is the Internet's leading solution for full-time bloggers. You can easily post content to your blog via the web, email, or using your iPhone or Blackberry. Before we get to the fun stuff, we help you build a solid foundation of knowledge so that you can fully optimize your WordPress blog to meet your specific needs.


Week 7 - Advanced WordPress

This week we will dive right into the advanced aspects of customizing your WordPress blog. This is where things may get a little tricky because you will take on some of the technical aspects, however we've done our best to make this as simple as possible in our step-by-step video training.


Week 8 - Making Money With Your Blog

This week we discuss the basics of making money with your Wordpress blog. In this section we focus on using Google Adsense as a means for providing contextual ads that rotate on your website and earn you money everytime a visitor clicks the ad. This is a very powerful method that many of the Internet's top trafficked websites use to provide free services.


Week 9 - List Building Explosion

List building is a very popular topic amongst internet marketers, and there is a very good reason for works! Building a list allows you to stop missing out on sales, as you will have the ability to market to people again and again. The benefits are ten-fold.


Week 10 - Advanced Cost Per Action (CPA) Marketing

You've probably heard all about how every day people are making a fortune simply by working with cost per action networks. These people don't have to make expensive sales to make a commission, they simply need to get people to complete certain actions, such as signing up for a free trial, or even something as simple as submitting their email or address. What they do have is a knowledge of the cost per action (CPA) system, and how to profit from it. If you are a VIP Member be sure to check the rolodex for a list of CPA Networks.


BONUS Week 11 - Become a Google Master

Sure, you know HOW to use Google, but do you know what it’s REALLY capable of doing for you? This weeks training course is packed full of creative, real-world strategies for using Google to discover things online that you probably had no idea Google could deliver to you.